Retronetworking at EasterHegg 2024?

This has come up a number of times on IRC, and I wanted to give the topic some more exposure here in the forum:

@sur5r is interested in some kind of ISDN/PSTN setup and setting up retronetworking gear at EasterHegg 2024. In case there are other people interested in setting up something retronetworking related, please reach out here or on #retronetworking (on

I personally will sadly not be able to attend as my office has to move around that time, adding lots of additional tasks on my plate that need taking care of.

Just to quickly document what I plan to bring:

  • Auerswald Commander Basic.2 with ice1usb to connect to OCTOI
    – 16 a/b ports
    – 4 S₀ ports
  • Ricoh Fax 1200L (G3/G4 fax machine)
  • 1-2 analog phones
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Cool! Current planning looks like I’ll be present as well.

Not sure if I want to bring any extra ISDN gear, but I could :slight_smile:

Could you bring whatever is necessary to play with the G4 fax?

I think I have a laptop with the required software installed, I’ll configure a reminder to bring it :smile:
(never tested G4 fax so far, will be an adventure)

OT: I should have my own physical G4 fax machine from March onwards. I don’t yet know if it is in fully working condition. If it does, by the time Easterhegg happens we should even be able to test remote G4 fax from the event via OCTOI to my home.