What Osmocosm-compatible flip-phone for casual use?

I’m new to Osmocosm (just joined the discourse), and would like a recommendation for which flip-phone to purchase.

I’m dedicated to having open-source software on all of my devices, for security (and maybe a bit of tinkering).

Someone recommended Nokia to me, due to durability, but I don’t know how compatible it is with Osmocosm (or other FOSS options)

I don’t know much about the technical details about Osmocosm and related technologies, and am just wanting a FOSS solution to casual flip-phone use.

I’m familiar with Linux, and am willing to undergo any installation process necessary to get this working.

If practical, I’d prefer to get a flip-phone from a manufacturer who is dedicated to FOSS.

Thanks for the help in advance, and I hope I’m not too much of a bother with my lack of experience!

Hi Asten,

First of all: Osmocom is an organization / umbrella project for hundreds of individual projects implementing different things for different telecommunications systems.

The only software we wrote implementing a GSM cellphone is OsmocomBB. OsmocomBB is primarily a research / development / hacking tool, and not something you can use as a production phone. It only works on phones using the TI Calypso/Iota/Rita chipset, see the OsmocomBB wiki for all relevant details.

The main focus of most of our cellular related activities is to implement the network side of a telecommunications standard like GSM, not the phone side.

So in general, I think we are unable to help you.