User Introductions

Let’s use this thread for [english language] introductions by users.

There’s no mandatory requirement for users to introduce themselves here. It is entirely optional.

Hello all, I’m Mike from Philadelphia, USA. I am interested in retro telephony and networking, though I have no background in telephony or networking and learn as I go. I currently run PhilTel, a telephone collective refurbishing and installing second-hand payphones that are free to use, and, a project that uses vintage hardware to run free-to-use dial-up ISPs and document how they can be set up.


Hi, I’m Chris. Sometimes responding as “radiochris” on discord, “ckuethe” elsewhere. Ham radio operator, but I listen much more than I talk. I still have nightmares about that time I ran a little dial-up ISP with a dozen modems and a multi-port serial card.


Hi! I’m Billy, or “InternalLoss” depending on where I am. I’m currently playing around with some older mobiles and am interested in older mobile Internet/web technologies (WAP, WML, etc).

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Hi all, I’m Matthew / marrold from the UK. I worked in VoIP telecommunications for ~10 years, currently on a break doing more generic “DevOps” stuff but hope to return to telecoms eventually.

I accidentally ended up running a site-wide POTS network at Electromagnetic Field in 2022 after being inspired by other groups doing similar things at other camps.

As well as plain old telephones I’m also interested in pre-internet BBSs and particularly Viewdata systems.

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Hello, I’m Adrian, an amateur radio operator with an interest in SDR and digital transmissions.
I’m not exactly new here, I used to toy around with gr_gsm SDR PHY and running osmo-bts and osmo-trx in the amateur bands, I even submitted some patches. I’m also a downstream user of gr-osmosdr in my application qradiolink.
Nowadays I’ve taken an interest in trunked radio systems and I want to apply them in my amateur radio hobby.

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