I’m trying to measure uplink and downlink parameters during a silent call using osmo-bts for a research project. I’ve configured the BTS on the PCS1900 band with a specific ARFCN. However, I’m facing challenges in capturing reliable uplink measurements.
I’ve tried increasing logging levels and enabling measurement reporting for RSSI, BER, and timing advance.
Any suggestions on how to improve the data quality or capture additional relevant parameters would be greatly appreciated.
the DMEAS (logging level meas) category in osmo-bsc should give you loads of details. Also, just capturing the RSL traffic on the Abis and processing the MEASUREMENT RESULT messages with custom code is an option.
Last, but not least, we created meas_feed / meas_vis for a very simplistic ncurses based visualization of measurement reports. Others have developed their own tooling based on meas_feed, like meas_web by Fairwaves.