How can eIM be compatible with SGP.22 to implement cloud control, such as enabling, disabling, downloading, etc.

As the title suggests, with an eUICC of SGP.22 and no eIM certificate information, is it possible to send content via EsipaMessageFromEimToIpa?

Is there any better way?

So it seems you want to use a SGP.22 eUICC in a SGP.32 IoT system with IPAd + eIM? This is not supported under the 3GPP specs, but some implementations have proprietart work-arounds. You’d have to talk to to the supplier of your eIM + IPAd.

The logical approach is to have some kind of “SGP.32 emulator” inside of the IPAd, whic implements the SGP.32 specific features that are not suported by the SGP.22 eUICC.

Yes, I consulted the documentation for SGP.32 and there is no compatible scheme.

Are there any relatively popular or standard solutions that I can refer to?
Thank you so much

I don’t think there is anything popular about SGP.32 at all at the moment. It’s mostly a topic of standardization and R&D at this point.