H-CPM demodulator for SDR?


Has anyone worked on demodulating H-CPM?

This is the modulation used by the SU when transmitting in an APCO P25 Phase II system.

Thanks Osmocom for all the pioneering SDR work you have done!

Disclaimer: The OP25 project and developer group was always somewhat disjunct from the other Osmocom projects; it pre-existed before it moved under the Osmcoom umbrella, which was primarily to not have to worry about where to host the project homepage etc.

Iā€™m not sure if any of the OP25 folks have meanwhile started to look at the (rather new) discourse forums. It would be great if they had. Otherwise you may have more success with the old mailing list Info | op25-dev@lists.osmocom.org - lists.osmocom.org

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Thank you, much appreciated. I will give that a try.

for the record (in case somebody finds this in the fuutre): it seems there was a response at [op25-dev] Re: H-CPM demodulator for SDR? - op25-dev - lists.osmocom.org