Exhibit at Classic Computing 2024?

I’m considering to run another retronetworking exhibit at Classic Computing 2024, after our exhibit there last year. Is anyone else willing to co-host the exhibit again? Last year I fell ill so it was a lot of burden on @manawyrm - let’s hope this year I’m able to take more shifts at the event itself.

I’ve meanwhile bought a number of “Aufsteller” (those stand-up displays for one A4 page providing information about an exhibit).

Things that we need to improve upon, IMHO:

  • more things to demo, like a local BBS?
  • a solution (with 5G router or the like) to avoid dependency on potentially crappy internet connectivity at the event
  • maybe less exhibits, but more things to demo?
  • make sure we submit our exhibit descriptions in time to be part of the catalogue

My thinking is along the lines of:

  • ISDN video phones [again]
  • maybe two fax machines [even G4?] so people can send Faxes from A to B?
  • Modem + RIPterm setup to remote BBS
  • Modem + TELIX setup for [local, in case of internet trouble?] ANSI-BBS
  • A BTX-Terminal?
  • A few ancient analog phones, maybe at different locations at the venue, each with a small printed directory of numbers that one can call?
  • An accoustic coupler
  • having a flyer that people can take with them on the project and how to connect

So far sadly nobody has followed-up. It would definitely be much more fun to do this in a team, as opposed to having to carry, set-up, operate and demonstrate all of it alone. I’d really appreciate some assistance. Thanks!

Before there are no answers here at all, I at least wanted to give some feedback at all.
I would basically like to help, but September is already pretty full for me this year :confused:

Hi, will you definitely be there? When would you arrive? In principle, I could come too. But I would probably need an introduction to the exhibits myself before I could explain anything about them. :smile:

I will definitely attend [assuming no last minute serious health issues, natural disasters, etc. of course]. Arrival is scheduled for September 26th, departure 29th.

Regarding arrival/departure times: I cannot say for sure, as it’s about 7 hours of driving one-way and there can be many causes for delays. But the goal would be to arrive 26th at some point in the afternoon and depart no later than lunch time on the 29th.

Thanks for offering to help - and we can certainly have a call or the like beforehand to make sure you have some background on the exhibits. Help would also be appreciated if it was just during some of the days.

Sounds good to me :smile:
I’ll book a hotel in Öhringen (about 15 minutes by bus)

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