Eventphone, the phone operation team servicing various CCC and “hacking-related” events, recently published this trailer:
So it seems that there is some EWSD-related stuff for the 38C in the making
Eventphone, the phone operation team servicing various CCC and “hacking-related” events, recently published this trailer:
So it seems that there is some EWSD-related stuff for the 38C in the making
Apparently, yes: EWSD for congress
We’re going to have a call for coordination / preparation this
Sunday (November 24, 2024) at 15:00 CET.
The meeting will be in the RetroNetCall BBB
From my point of view, the main interest is to hear about what Jolly and his team have so far been planning, and how specifically I can contrbute to that, for example specifically with
Meeting minutes:
The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, 1st of December at 15:00 at the same RetroNetCall BBB.
Is it planned to do an E1 interconnection between OCTOI and Event for that people stayed home to do real ISDN to the Event?
Or will there be an Endpoint for TDMoIP public rechable?
There are currently no such plans. I have the feelign we have more than enough tasks at our hands to prepare for, set up and operate the actual netwokr on-site.
For voice calls, you can always use the prefix from the PSTN to dial into the eventphone (DECT, SIP) network at CCC events. You can reach subscribers irrespective whether they use DECT, SIP, GSM, VoLTE, ISDN or POTS. But the public connection is via a SIP trunk, so not usable for native ISDN services or reliable analog modems.
Certainly there are a number of icE1usb available on site, as well as excellent uplink and plenty of public IPv4 addresses. So if we should happen to have spare time (I somewhat doub it) we might be able to set something up, but that would be more ad-hoc.
FYI, tonight we’ll have a RetroNetCall on the ISDN network at 38C3: 2025-01-01: RetroNetCall: Report on 38C3 ISDN/POTS network - Retronetworking - Open Source Mobile Communications