EWSD for 38C3 CCC congress

From December 27th to 30th, the Chaos Communication Congress will be held in Hamburg. As usual, the PoC (Phone Operation Center) will provide DECT, mobile, and landline connections. This year, I will bring a One-Shelf-EWSD built from recovered parts. Visitors to the congress will have access to PSTN and ISDN lines connected through this EWSD, which will also be integrated into the PoC network.

One of the tasks at the congress will be setting up V5 multiplexers for ports and patching telephone lines. Volunteers are welcome to assist.

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Great plan, thanks for sharing here. I am planning to attend.

Iā€™ll likely again be bringing various modems, ISDN-TAs, Video Telephones and old PCs for some kind of setup.

This brings me to the question: Will you interconnect that EWSD with OCTOI so we can use off-site data services like dial-up BBSs? In that case I could connect all my equipment to the EWSD via A5 AN. If itā€™s not going to be connected to OCTOI, then Iā€™d bring my usual ā€œevent BBSā€ for OCTOI connectivity - but then without interconnect ot the local EWSD.

The idea is to provide ISDN lines (PRI/BRI) and PSTN lines at the congress. I plan to place several V5 multiplexers inside wiring closets to reach most users at the congress. At the very least, ā€˜Hackcenterā€™ and ā€˜Halle Hā€™ should be connected. This way, you can directly connect your BBS to the EWSD if you are located at the Hackcenter. Alternatively, we can connect OCTOI to the EWSD for your off-site equipment.

As soon as congress planning starts, I will contact NoC and Orga to discuss how the wiring can be implemented.